

DRIVING THE GREEN TRANSFORMATION The Mitsubishi Chemical Group at the K-Show 2022 Visit the Mitsubishi Chemical Group at the K-Show 2022, the world's number one trade fair for plastics and rubber, to find out how our innovative specialty materials are empowering our customers to drive their transformation toward a more sustainable, recycling-oriented society.

New BioPBS Biodegradable Zipper Obtains “OK Compost” Certification

New Biodegradable Plastic Zipper Made with Mitsubishi Chemical’s BioPBS™ Obtains “OK Compost” Certification

TEFABLOC™ TPE in the top 10 of sustainable elastomers

European Rubber Journal - ERJ has awarded TEFABLOC™ TPE in the top 10 of sustainable elastomers,

Compostable and Biodegradable Polymer with Paper-Based Barrier Material

Mitsubishi Chemical and Nippon Paper Industries Develop Sustainable Packaging Material Made of Compostable and Biodegradable Polymer and Paper-Based Barrier Material

10th June - 2:00PM CEST - Webinar

BioPBS – Fundamentals of Paper Coating Technology

Don't miss this webinar, about BioPBS™ technology in paper coating application, demonstrating the properties, characteristic overview, processing condition and accreditation test in recyclability and compostability at industrial facilities and at home. Several example of commercialized product in the market will also be presented.

Mitsubishi Chemical to Acquire Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer Business

Mitsubishi Chemical to Acquire Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer Business of U.S.-based AdvanSource Biomaterials



インドネシアPVCコンパウンドメーカー PT. ABC Plastindo社の買収について

MCC intends to acquire 100% of Plastindo’s shares from the founders in August of this year.

印 Welset Plast Extrusions社の塩ビコンパウンド事業買収について

インド及びその他の地域においてマスターバッチ(PVCマスターバッチ含む)事業及びPVCコンパウンド事業を展開するWelset社の PVCコンパウンド事業を買収することで同社と合意しました。

